Sportsman's Achievements

I won my Western Province Board Baseball Squad colours, as well as my Western Province Board Soccer Colours 1982. We were winners of the first ever Under 15 Soccer tournament held at Cape District in 1983 and that same year we won the first breakdancing competition held at Club Route 66, Mitchells Plain. As street roller-hockey players no older than 15 years old, we drew 1-1 with the all-white Western Province Men’s Roller-Hockey team at the M.S.A. Roller-skating competition at Good Hope Centre on the 5th March 1983. The next year I set the new roller-rink high jump record for Under 16 at “Fun City”. In 1986 I won my South African Tertiary Institution Sports Associations (S.A.T.I.S.A.) colours for Javelin and in 1987 I won first for Javelin in the Western Province Training Colleges Sports Union. In 1988 we were the winners of the SATISA soccer tournament held in Port Elizabeth. In 1998 I brought ABADA Capoeira to Cape Town.